Tag Archives: Private Tutor
Misconceptions About Dyslexia
Misconceptions About Dyslexia Misconceptions about dyslexia are prevalent not only amongst those outside the world of education but those within the world of education. Due to the prevalence of these myths, when explaining dyslexia I have to spend just as much time explaining what dyslexia is not to fully establish what it is. The concern …read more
Summer of Balance
For most students summer means the absence of school and the presence of camps, sports, art, exploration, and lots of time for play! As a teacher, I totally understand this sentiment, especially when thinking about our students with dyslexia who see school as a daily struggle. Summer is their lifeline, their chance to …read more
Universal Design (in the classroom)
I first learned about the concept of Universal Design in college. The term was coined by Ron Mace, the architect at North Carolina State University. A very simplified definition of Universal Design is “the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation …read more
Knowledge is Power!
My #1 advice to parents is this: Educate yourself so that you can effectively advocate for your child’s specific learning needs. You are an expert on your own child already. Why not extend your knowledge and expertise to their education as well? It may seem like an overwhelming task at first but rest assured you …read more
Embrace Dyslexia!
Ben Foss begins the introduction of his book The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan by asserting this fact: “I know that I’ve been able to accomplish my goals because I have integrated dyslexia into my life, not because I overcame it.” We are a society that struggles to embrace who we are and often seek to change …read more