Prevent the Summer Slide!

Summer vacation! What every student and teacher looks forward to throughout the year. A time for sleeping in, playing outside for hours, taking trips, swimming, biking, boating, and so much more. For students school is over and therefore so are any school related activities. However it is critical that parents take the opportunity in the …read more
What is Dyscalculia?

What is the difference between just being bad at math, disliking math, and having an actual learning disability in math? For example, there were certainly math concepts that required more time and repeated practice for me to learn than others. I recall in elementary school struggling with the concept of fractions and percentages because I …read more
What is Dysgraphia?

When a child is diagnosed with a learning disability, they typically experience difficulties in at least one of three academic areas: reading, mathematics, and written language. A learning disability in the area of reading known as dyslexia was discussed in an earlier blog (1/12/2015) and affects an individual’s ability to acquire the skills necessary for …read more
What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that affects an individual’s ability to acquire the skills necessary for reading such as identifying the alphabet, linking letters to sounds, rhyming, blending sounds, segmenting sounds, and comprehension just to name a few. An individual needs to be able to use all these skills simultaneously with fluency (with accuracy …read more
Welcome to Academic Ascents!

Welcome and thank you for visiting my website! Since this is my first blog posting I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Lindsay Lesch and I am the owner/founder of Summit County’s newest tutoring business. I am dual certified as an elementary and special education teacher. I have worked …read more